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General Rules

  • Readers shall maintain perfect order and silence in the library.
  • All persons must obey the Rules & Regulation of the Library.
  • Every member of the Library, must be prepared to establishher /his identity when requested to do so.
  • Mobile phone is Strictly Prohibited in the Library premises.
  • Making noise, smoking,sleeping, and doing anything else which may disturb other readers or go against thediscipline of theLibrary arestrictly prohibited.
  • While taking out any Library materials necessary Gate Pass must be produced at the check point near the exit.
  • If depositor does not claim refund of his/her Caution Deposit even after one year of completion of his/her course the Caution Deposit will be forfeitedautomaticallyand the same be spent for development of College Library.
  • Students must come with prescribed uniform in the Library premises. 
  • Students are allowed to borrow five books, if available, for Fifteen days before commencement of the Semester Examination. All those books are to be returned within one week after the end od such Semester Examination. Failing which a fine of Rs. Five only per book per day will have to be paid. The defaulters will not be permitted to receive any book from College Library till the fine is paid.
  • The Library Rules framed above may be altered or amended and new Rules may be added to the existing ones by the Library Authority and all these Rules shall be effective for and binding on all concerned.