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The College has a well equipped library with a good number of books, journals and magazines.
The Library Cards are issued to the bonafide students on application within fifteen days of admission.
Library Rules and Regulations are printed on the Library Cards for guidance of the students. Library Rules are also notifiedin the Library.

Students/Faculty /Academic & Institutional Employee:
  • New users eligible to be enrolled as members of the Library will fill up and sign Membership Registration Forms obtainable from the counter and submit the same to the Librarian.

Borrowing Library Documents

  • Only bona fide members can borrow books from Library for stipulated periods as mentioned below.
  • Faculty Members are allowed to borrow six books, Non Teaching Staff Two books and the students Two Books each.
  • Teachers and supporting staffare entitled to keep borrowed Books for Fifteen days, students are permitted to keepborrowed Books for Ten Days. Failing which no bookwillbe issued to them.
  • For not returning the borrowed book/books within due date one Borrower has to pay a fine @ Rs. 5.00 (Five) only per book per day. The fine will be realized from the pay of the staff members and during filling up Forms of Examinations from the students, if not paid in due course.
  • At the time of borrowing a book every member is expected to examine it carefully and any mutilation defacement ordamage found inthe book be immediately brought to the notice of the Librarian or in-charge of the Circulation Section. Otherwise the person to whom the book was lastissued willbe responsible for any damage defacement mutilation detected at the time of return.
  • Borrowed Books are not transferable and hence should not be lent to others.

Periodicaland Restricted Documents

  • Periodicals (loose &bound volumes) and restricted books should not be issued out. However, such meterialsmay be made available for photocopy.
  • Some text books will be stamped “Reserved” or “For Reading Room only” and those should be kept in the reading room for reading purpose only, not for issue.

Loss Of Library Card

  • In case a borrower has lost his/her Library Card that should be reported immediately in writing to the Librarian through the Principal.
  • The duplicateLibrary card may be issued on payment of Rs. 50.00 (Fifty) only. This payment has to be made at the cash counter of the college.

Termination Of Membership

  • A member should return the Library Card at the end of the Session if not done earlier.
  • If any member is found misusing /mutilating/cutting pages from book or otner reading materials, disciplinary action will be initiatedagainst him/her besides denying the Library facilitiesand/or expulsionfrom the college.
  • The caution money will be refunded at the end of the session by the Cash Section on the productionof a ClearanceCertificatefrom the Librarian and production of original Caution Deposit Receipt.

The Library is kept open on all working days from 11-00 A.M. to 5-00 P.M. except on institutionalHolidays,otherNational Holidays and ExaminationDays.

Outside Individuals

  • The outsider may be enrolled as a Member of theLibraryon thespecial recommendationofth. Director of the College and he/she can borrow one book at a time.
  • Each bona-fidemember (Students, Faculty MMembers and other InstitutionalEmployee)will he issued one Loan card (Non Transferable ) for borrowing books which he/she is entitled tol e obtain.
  • All members will have to come to the Library personallyto take book on loan.
  • Membership of a student will remain valid till he/she appears in his/her examinationand it will be renewed again when he/she is admitted to the next class. However, all the readingmaterialsmust be returned by a student for obtainingclearancecertificatefrom the Library.

Renewal Of Books

  • The borrowing of a book may be renewed (not more than One time ) on return, provided, the books are not on demand by other member(s). A book which is in great demand shall not be reissued to the same person consecutively.
  • The Library has the right to recall a book if the same is required by another user.

Overdue Charges/Fine

  • A borrowed book must be returnedwithinthe due date, otherwise he /she has to pay Rs.5.00 (Five) only per day per book and no Library Book/Books will be issued to him/her.

Loss Or Damage Of Library Documents

  • In case a borrower has lost /damaged any Librarybook or document or any other reading materials, the member has to:

    (i) Replace the lost book by a new edition or

    (ii) Pay the current price of the lost book or

    (iii) Pay five times of the price ofthe book lost/damaged.